Thursday, March 29, 2012

I am on a mini vacation

Shelley Ken and Sydney are in Cuba so I am house sitting ~~It is like a mini vaction being away from the building I live it --here I can be outside when the weather permits   !!Next week I will go to Selkirk and spend Easter with Cindy Darren Alex and Brooklyn
Then back here to house sit for another week
The weather ia getting better here but is still on the cool side
Thw poor geese donot know whether to fly north or south
There are many huddled here on the lake wondering what to do
Off to opening night at Prairie Theatre tonite and then I have nothing on my plate till Tuesday so ope I will get some stitching or knitting done


  1. I know exactly what you mean about how much it seems like a vacation at someone else's house. We stay at a dear friend's house down close to the beach when they're away and we just love the house and the location. It always seems like a vacation to us. I always bring my stitching with me, so I do hope that while you're away you do have lots of time to stitch. What are you stitching on at this time. I just love your scarves below.

  2. Hope to see you post again real soon.
