Saturday, February 18, 2012


Hello  to everyone DO I HAVE A STORY TO TELL

August 23/11  I went out to get a few groceries and ended up in Concordia  Hospital Emergency
Was walking along the sidewalk and a car jumped the curb and ran me into a steel staircase and then a brick wall ---

I received stitches in the crown of my head   and a broken wrist and hand
August 26 -- I went into surgery to repair my wrist and hand now resembled a hockey stick
  -my wrist has a plate and 10 screws and the heel of my hand has 2 titanium rods  !!
It has been a long haul with recovery and therapy  

 My therapist started using stitching and knitting as a form of therapy way back in November !  progress was slow   but along with weight and the usual therapy for that kind of fractures   I am back to 85%  
My surgeon says that is unheard of for a person my age to come that far   in less than 5 months  !!
I am happy   I have made such good strides   and am knitting    and stitching although slow I can do it

Here are some frilly scarves I have done with that new yarn

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